K-Tape From Chiropractors In North Portland

K-Tape From Chiropractors In North Portland

Chiropractic Portland WA Kinesiotaping

Ever wonder about the science behind K-tape? Top North Portland Chiropractor Amy Champman wants to share a blog with you today about it!

A Quick History

Chiropractic North Portland OR K-TapeBack in 1979, a chiropractor named Dr. Kenzo Kase, created kinesio tape. He wanted to create a tape that provided support without restricting movement. Through the years we’ve discovered a lot more about its benefits though as time and studies of the product emerged.

There are certain mechanisms in which KT-tape is thought to work

It takes the tensile load off of both skin and muscle it’s applied to, ultimately allowing for decompression of the nerves in that tissue (if applied correctly). It also plays a role with lymphatic drainage allowing for optimal healing and circulation of nutrients and waste removal; as well as playing a role in pain reduction.

Its benefits

  • Reduced swelling
  • Improves circulation
  • Provides support
  • Increases proprioception
  • Re-educating muscles

How KT-taping works with your muscles

Have you ever heard of proprioceptors? There are tiny nerves throughout your body, mainly in the muscles that allow you to sense where you are in time and space. They are basically body orientation nerves which allow you to do things like balance on one leg, touch your nose with your eyes closed, drinking out of a glass without having to look at it… you just know where to go because of these proprioceptors.

The nerves involved

Three types of nerves are involved in proprioception and they are mostly located in your muscles.

  1. Golgi Tendon Organs - receives proprioceptive information from muscle tendons
  2. Muscle Spindles - receives proprioceptive information located within and along skeletal muscle
  3. Mechanoreceptors in the joints - receives information about pressure, touch, vibration and muscle tension

How KT-taping works with skin receptors

A major part of KT-tape works with the receptor nerves located under the skin. There is thought that if you apply KT-tape over a knot, “[in order to] lift the skin over these tense, knotted muscles... the area is decompressed and pain receptors send a new signal to the brain, and tension in the trigger point decreases”

How KT-taping works with the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is located all throughout the body and fun fact, your spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in your body. There are also lymph channels found under the skin, just above the muscle that help circulate nutrients around your body as well as remove any waste along the way. Since it is located directly under the skin and just above the top of the muscles, KT-tape can play a role with lymphatic drainage. When KT-tape is placed on the skin it creates a change in pressure in these lymphatic channels under the skin that ultimately facilitate healing and reduce swelling. KT-tape placed over a swollen area causes the pressure change which allows for lymphatic fluid to move with ease under the injured area.

When you shouldn’t use KT-tape:

  • On open wounds: This can lead to infection and damaged skin
  • If you have a history of blood clots or have been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis, the pressure change that KT-tape provides can dislodge a clot, which could potentially be lethal.
  • If you have allergies to adhesives
  • If you have had lymph nodes removed
  • If you have active cancer
  • Diabetes due to potential complications from peripheral neuropathy
  • If you have fragile skin because it can cause tearing


Minnis, Gregory. “What Is Kinesiology Tape?” Healthline, 20 Mar. 2019, www.healthline.com/health/kinesiology-tape#benefits.

Mostafavifar, Mehran et al. “A systematic review of the effectiveness of kinesio taping for musculoskeletal injury.” The Physician and sportsmedicine vol. 40,4 (2012): 33-40.

Park, Young-Han, and Jung-Ho Lee. “Effects of proprioceptive sense-based Kinesio taping on walking imbalance.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 28,11 (2016): 3060-3062.


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9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm


North Portland Wellness Group

2215 N Lombard St
Portland, OR 97217
PHONE: (503) 893-4407
FAX: (503) 908-6153